6 research outputs found

    Sistemski razvoj elektronskega učenja v visokošolski izobraževalni ustanovi

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    Better use of time, decreased educational costs, more effective learning and learning management from the user’s side stimulate changes in the transmission of knowledge and learning. The Faculty of Organisation and Informatics (University of Zagreb, Croatia) was one of the places where a project for developing an e-learning system was started in accordance with user (student) demands and teaching process. Within this project, the production of a system for managing e-learning as well as adjusting teaching materials was started. This paper presents our achievements and results of using the developed elearning management system in our institution. Key words: e-learning, SCORM, LMSBoljša izraba časa, zniževanje stroškov izobraževanja, učinkovitejše učenje in učni management uporabnikov spodbujajo spremembe pri prenašanju znanja in učenja. Fakulteta za organizacijo in informatiko Univerze v Zagrebu (Hrvaška) je eden izmed krajev, kjer je, v soglasju z zahtevami uporabnikov (študentov) in z zahtevami učnega procesa, začel nastajati projekt razvoja sistema elektronskega učenja. V okviru tega projekta se je začela izgradnja upravljalskega sistema za elektronsko učenje kot tudi priprava učnih gradiv. Pričujoči prispevek ponazarja naše dosežke in rezultate uporabe razvitega upravljalskega sistema elektronskega učenja v naši ustanovi. Ključne besede: SCORM, LM


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    The actual problem of information security (infosec) risk assessment is determining the value of information property or asset. This is particularly manifested through the use of quantitative methodology in which it is necessary to state the information value in quantitative sizes. The aim of this paper is to describe the evaluation possibilities of business information values, and the criteria needed for determining importance of information. For this purpose, the dimensions of information values will be determined and the ways used to present the importance of information contents will be studied. There are two basic approaches that can be used in evaluation: qualitative and quantitative. Often they are combined to determine forms of information content. The proposed criterion is the three-dimension model, which combines the existing experiences (i.e. possible solutions for information value assessment) with our own criteria. An attempt for structuring information value in a business environment will be made as wel


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    This work describes a solution of gathering questionnaire information by using information technologies. To be precise, it is suggested that distributive information service-the Internet, and possibilities of dynamic hypermedia interface of World Wide Web should be used. The use of those services ensures a number of advantages, although there are some disadvantages. This work describes one system for creating Web-questionnaire by using a script language similar to a common, natural language. The procedure of designing a questionnaire for a Web-survey was clarified by an example that was made. Exploring the possibilities of applying the system like that has the goal to simplify survey interviewing by a questionnaire in determined conditions, and the goal of this work is to clarify possibilities of proposed script language and the way it works

    Chemical composition and ruminal degradation kinetics of crude protein and amino acids, and intestinal digestibility of amino acids from tropical forages

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    The objective of this research was to determine the chemical composition and ruminal degradation of the crude protein (CP), total and individual amino acids of leaves from tropical forages: perennial soybean (Neonotonia wightii), cassava (Manihot esculenta), leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) and ramie (Boehmeria nivea), and to estimate the intestinal digestibility of the rumen undegradable protein (RUDP) and individual amino acids of leaves from the tropical forages above cited, but including pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). Three nonlactating Holstein cows were used to determine the in situ ruminal degradability of protein and amino acids from leaves (6, 18 and 48 hours of ruminal incubation). For determination of the intestinal digestibility of RUDP, the residue from ruminal incubation of the materials was used for 18 hours. A larger concentration of total amino acids for ramie and smaller for perennial soybean were observed; however, they were very similar in leucaena and cassava. Leucine was the essential amino acid of greater concentration, with the exception of cassava, which exhibited a leucine concentration 40.45% smaller. Ramie showed 14.35 and 22.31% more lysine and methionine, respectively. The intestinal digestibility of RUDP varied from 23.56; 47.87; 23.48; 25.69 and 10.86% for leucaena, perennial soybean, cassava, ramie and pigeon pea, respectively. The individual amino acids of tropical forage disappeared in different extensions in the rumen. For the correct evaluation of those forages, one should consider their composition of amino acids, degradations and intestinal digestibility, once the amino acid composition of the forage does not reflect the amino acid profiles that arrived in the small intestine. Differences between the degradation curves of CP and amino acids indicate that degradation of amino acids cannot be estimated through the degradation curve of CP, and that amino acids are not degraded in a similar degradation profile